Beth Haven Baptist Academy held its first classes in September 2019. We began with 10 students in grades Kindergarten – 12. Our first year all classes were taught using Abeka videos. We utilized the church Fellowship Hall. It was difficult beginning with videos and trying to catch home school students up to the pace of Abeka, and dealing with the interruptions of people coming in and out of the Fellowship Hall, but children learned and grew in Christ.
The year 2020-2021 saw several improvements. First we grew to 13 students. Second we began teaching Kindergarten with the volunteer help of Joanna Frauenhofer. Several others also worked voluntarily in the school. Third, we had our first graduation with 2 in the High School and 4 from Kindergarten.
In the year 2021-2022 we grew to 17 students, added Varsity basketball for boys and girls, added First Grade as being directly taught and moved into the Academy building in April. The Basketball teams were able to play their games in the gym before we officially moved in. We also graduated 2 Academy students.
2022-2023 was our first full year in the Academy. We added Second Grade to our classes directly taught by a teacher. We grew to 26 students and graduated 3 students from the Academy. We hired our first two teachers: Kindergarten and First & Second Grade.
2023-2024 sees many renovations in the building allowing us to separate into 4 separate classrooms. We added Third Grade to our classes directly taught by a teacher. We added SchoolCues, an online information and Gradebook system and began the process of Accreditation.
BHBA moved to 1615 SW 96th Pl in April 2021 but played their first basketball home games in January of that year.