I was raised in a very strong Christian home, yet I struggled with my salvation for many years. After I graduated from high school I had my plans for my future but they did not include serving God. My Father asked me to attend one year of Bible College and I agreed to do so. While at Bible College I took a personal evangelism class that really shook me up. I had made professions of faith, but in doing so I was always trying to get out of trouble with my parents. I realized I was making professions of faith to please people and not because I believed I was a sinner before a holy God.
Just a couple of months into my freshmen year I was miserable. I knew I was lost but I didn’t want anyone else to know it. During a revival meeting at Southwest Baptist Church in OKC, OK, God turned up the pressure on me, but I refused to walk the aisle. After the service on November 3rd , 2000 I had to ride the college bus back to campus from the church. The people riding with me kept singing “It Is Well With My Soul”. I sat there miserable knowing things were not well in my soul. When I stepped off the bus back on campus I found my roommate who was a senior and talked with him. That night by the grace of God I got saved. Not because I wanted to please men but because I finally realized I was a sinner and I needed forgiveness from a great Savior.
Life Verse: Psalm 37:23-24
Hobbies: Playing guitar, traveling, graphic design, spending time with Charity, Macie, Camdyn, and Carter as well as our dogs, Lyla and Koda.
About Me: I grew up in a Christian home in Benton, AR, and asked Jesus to save me September 6, 2003. As a younger kid and into my teenage years, I struggled with the assurance of my salvation. I struggled to know if as a kid I was sincere enough or had said the right words, and it was a long, miserable several years. Finally on December 4, 2011, at 15 years old, I stopped trusting in what I did and put my faith and trust in what Jesus did on the Cross! My salvation wasn’t resting on whether I felt saved or not, but it rests on the fact that Jesus paid for my sins and I put my trust in Him!