Josh Carter

I was raised in a very strong Christian home, yet I struggled with my salvation for many years.  After I graduated from high school I had my plans for my future but they did not include serving God.  My Father asked me to attend one year of Bible College and I agreed to do so.  While at Bible College I took a personal evangelism class that really shook me up.  I had made professions of faith, but in doing so I was always trying to get out of trouble with my parents.  I realized I was making professions of faith to please people and not because I believed I was a sinner before a holy God.

Just a couple of months into my freshmen year I was miserable.  I knew I was lost but I didn’t want anyone else to know it.  During a revival meeting at Southwest Baptist Church in OKC, OK, God turned up the pressure on me, but I refused to walk the aisle.  After the service on November 3rd , 2000 I had to ride the college bus back to campus from the church. The people riding with me kept singing “It Is Well With My Soul”.  I sat there miserable knowing things were not well in my soul.  When I stepped off the bus back on campus I found my roommate who was a senior and talked with him.  That night by the grace of God I got saved.  Not because I wanted to please men but because I finally realized I was a sinner and I needed forgiveness from a great Savior.

Keith Kindy
Associate Pastor

Life Verse: Psalm 37:23-24

Hobbies: Playing guitar, traveling, graphic design, spending time with Charity, Macie, Camdyn, and Carter as well as our dogs, Lyla and Koda.

About Me: I grew up in a Christian home in Benton, AR, and asked Jesus to save me September 6, 2003. As a younger kid and into my teenage years, I struggled with the assurance of my salvation. I struggled to know if as a kid I was sincere enough or had said the right words, and it was a long, miserable several years. Finally on December 4, 2011, at 15 years old, I stopped trusting in what I did and put my faith and trust in what Jesus did on the Cross! My salvation wasn’t resting on whether I felt saved or not, but it rests on the fact that Jesus paid for my sins and I put my trust in Him!

Jason Ross
Office Staff and HOPE Admin Assistant

Jason Ross

Deborah Cartmell 
Missions and Financial Secretary

Cartmell 2023

Grace Carney
Church Secretary

Grace Carney

David Frauenhofer
Beth Haven Baptist Seminary – Admin
Beth Haven Baptist Academy – Principal

David Frauenhofer