Beth Haven Baptist Academy


Tuition Per Student: 

Kindergarten: 1,350 – 5% Payment in Full discount = $1282.50 or $135 per month (10 months)

1st grade: $2,000 – 5% Payment in Full discount = $1,900 or $200 per month (10 months)

2-12 grades:  $2,250 – 5% Payment in Full discount =  $2,137.50  or $225 per month (10 months)


Note: Additional students in the same family will receive a $25 discount per month. Payments are due by the 15th of each month.  Payments not received by the 20th of each month will incur a late fee of $25.

Book Costs Per Student:

Kindergarten: $250

1-12 grades: $375